THE CONNECTED FILM FESTIVAL HELP Welcome to the help section
of the Connected Film Festival. This section contains answers to the most
common help topics and tips for watching indie films on our online film
festival. For more information, check out our
watched a short film, and it seems incomplete. Where is the rest of it? TIP:
at your menu options. Above the film, you have a series of text
links for navigation: PREVIOUS
. HELP leads here, and you may have hit that link to get to this page.
Report problem is for a film that no longer plays, or films that may have
been pulled down by their owner. TIP:
The online film festival is optimized to be watched full-screen.
If you are watching from a computer, hit your F11 key
on your keyboard to see options which may be hidden on a limited screen.
Hit F11 again to toggle the screen back to normal when you are done. 2. The
film will not load and play. TIP: If you are watching a film, you click on a link to watch something else, and the present film is still playing, pause the film. You will then go to the page or the film that you want to go to. When a film is playing, it tends to anchor the page that you are on because it is pulling from a server. Pausing it allows links to respond. 3. I
clicked a link or another film to watch, and it won't go there. 4. How
do I find the kind of film that I am looking for? 5.
How do I find your film channels? TIP: There are other ways of surfing our online film festival and watching films as they are listed in alphabetical order. See those PREVIOUS and NEXT links above the film viewing window? Use them! If the film is not in parts, or episodes, those links will lead to other films in our film database. TIP: Don't like a film? Don't watch it! We have plenty more for you to choose from. This is one advantage that we have over film festival events. You don't have to sit through films that you don't like. You can also select indie films from a menu and watch films in any order that you like. Need a break? Hit pause. The film can be resumed when you come back! 6. How
do I add a film to your online film festival? 7. How
does your Film Showcase Channel work? How do I get my film added to your
indie film showcase? Still have a question which is not addressed on this page? Ask us! Email us at , and we'll do our best to help. those who have suggestions on what to add to this page are welcome to contact us, too.
PUBLISHED 10/04/23 UPDATED 10/04/23/1235/1250/ © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
UPDATES - AWARDS - RESOURCES - TERMS OF USE - DISCLAIMER The Connected Film Festival is a free online film festival and film festival and professional networking event series available at no charge, supporting independent film. Connect With Indie Film. Your films deserve to be seen. © Copyright 2006 - 2024 Indie Film Auteur, Tampa Bay Indie Film, Connected Film Festival. All rights reserved. Presented as-is, with no guarantees expressed or implied. Informational use only. The Connected Film Festival, our affiliates, our sponsors, our contributors, and our advertisers are not legally liable for the content on this web site, and use of any content waives us from liability. Anyone using the content on this site or attempting anything described on this site assumes all legal and civil liability. Please be familiar with with your local laws before using this site. Information on the Connected Film Festival site is not to be taken as legal advice or advice which may be covered under any licensed or regulated profession. Opinions expressed on this web site are those of the individual contributor and may not be shared by other contributors or businesses who may be involved with this web site or our online community. The Connected Film Festival is a free, no-obligation professional independent film and talent resource and film festival web site operated from Tampa, Florida, by a team of professional freelance and agency-represented talent. For more, please read our Disclaimer. THE CONNECTED FILM FESTIVAL SITE INDEX UPDATE HISTORY 11/19/23/1100/1251/ - Updated header graphic and the main menu. Adding sections and content. Preparing to add more independent films later this week. Assing reviews. Working on a logo, which should debut on another header update before the end of the month. The logo is needed for support graphics. 11/09/23/1403 - Adding content to content already online to prepare for the addition of more independent films. 10/04/23/1730 - Connected Film Festival online. 10/01/23 - Completed the design and began assembling the Connected Film Festival. Integrating content. © Copyright 2006-2024 Connected Film Festival. All rights reserved